Thursday, November 21, 2013

More Members in need of prayer:
1.Our Fr. John Gerlach O.P., who suffered a heart attack yesterday, Nov. 19th, and who is in intensive care in Finley Hospital in Dubuque for at least a week.  May the God of Healing  be with him and all who are in need of prayer. Our Mound Community and Our Dominican Brothers-Fr. Jack and Br. Gilbert 
 P.S. If all goes well, they hope to move him to a regular room today
2.Dear Family (Bloch family and Dominican family), Clark Community and Friends of our dear 'sister' and friend Jude,
Through these November days at our 'home' in Marywood Health Center, Jude has weakened in strength of body while her spirit is amazing - truly seems to calmly and confidently soar except when there is pain.  Only brief visits seem appropriate at this time. While Jude may be awake or awake and alert, she sleeps much of the time. She often recognizes her visitor, but that is not always possible. Of course, we all wish Jude will have another 'bounce back' this side of New Life. She's done it before; but it is not ours to determine. Jude is restful; her countenance indicates her great trusting and loving bodymindspirit.
Today is the anniversary of Jude's final profession in our Dominican community.  She wrote on memorial cards:
    solemn profession
    to simply, gladly
    give a lifetime
    is to be held closely
    (as moist clay)
    by creation-stained
    godly hands.
    sr. jude bloch

Thank you for your great care for Jude!

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